Hits: 5455
Feb 2014 - A large update uploaded to the database, including adding the "Donald Family of India" which includes my paternal Grandmother - With thanks to Lesley Donald (Canada) & Ray Wright (New Zealand).
March 2014 - Major upgrade & several enhancements and new features made August 2014 now @ v.10.0.2 Including database is now Mobile and Tablet friendly, a Find Relationship function, a Family search Function, a PDF Generator A Fantastic Utility to create a multitude of custom reports to aid in your research.
August 2014 - Database upgraded to version 10.0.3
February 2015 - Database upgraded to version 10.1.0
July 2015 - Database upgraded to version 10.1.1
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We have recently started to use Family Tree Maker 2012 Complete from Ancestry.co.uk. I have found this to be far superior to the software I have used to date to manage my home database prior to uploading to this site.
We have now added a new tree called - Family Tree Maker 2012. This tree is more a less a duplicate of the main Maximilian Genealogy Database, but has been created using FTM and as such has enabled use of the massive resources at Ancestry.co.uk. Sadly it is currently not possible to import any actual media items from FTM into TNG software, so you will need to refer to the main DB for those items. There are references to various photos etc within the new tree, so it will be possible that the same person on the main DB has a copy of that image. On the plus side, it does enable the addition of many sources of BMD and other records as well as adding many children in families not generally added on the internet. Mainly due to people just following a single branch in a particular tree. We hope this additional tree proves useful and welcome feedback from our many users.
Maximilian Genealogy August 2014.